Online lekcija - treniņš kopā ar starptautisko viceprezidenti Anu Nikolovu no JCI Bulgārija par dizaina domāšanu (design thinking) - instrumentu, kas, pateicoties starpdisciplinārajai pieejai problēmu risināšanā, palīdz rast jaunus risinājumus ne tikai uzņēmumiem!

Treniņš dos iespēju uzzināt vairāk par metodi kā instrumentu, kas, pateicoties starpdisciplinārajai pieejai problēmu risināšanā, palīdz rast jaunus risinājumus ne tikai uzņēmumiem!

Ana ir biznesa attīstības konsultants, strādā ar uzņēmumu stratēģiju izveidi un finansējuma piesaisti MVU un inovatīviem jaunuzņēmumiem (start-ups). Ana arī sniedz konsultācijas par projektu vadību un palīdz piemeklēt ES resursus un finansējumu uzņēmuma vajadzībām. Šobrīd Ana arī studē projektu vadību doktorantūrā.

Treniņš norisināsies 2 stundas angļu valodā.

Īsumā par treniņu:
Design Thinking has become an extremely popular approach to problem solving - not only in the business sector, but also across all sectors of society.

The Power of Design Thinking is a hands-on, activity-based session built around the Design Thinking process, which will spark innovation, foster a user-centric mindset, and get cross-functional teams working together towards a common goal.

Based on the five phases of Design Thinking, it will focus on:
- Empathy (getting to grips with a real challenges/opportunities and building empathy for the target groups),
- Ideation, innovation, and problem-solving (generating as many ideas and potential solutions as possible),
- Prototyping and testing (building prototypes of the ideas generated, ready for testing on real or representative target users).
- It is all about collaboration and challenge-solving by developing innovative and unique solutions.

Design Thinking is a problem solving in action, giving the participants an approach, they can apply to almost any challenge in any area of their lives. Therefore, it is open for everyone, who has an open mindset and is ready to work with others to come up together with great solutions for current challenges.

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